Iris Kee Institute of Functional Medicine Certified Practitioner (IFMCP), registered Nutritional Therapist, mBANT, CNHC I am very down to earth and pragmatic, and like to talk about diet and lifestyle changes that work for you. For you as a person and for you in your daily life. I am passionate about empowering you to take charge in your health and show you the working of food as crucial information for your body and mind. I am kind but firm and always look for the root cause of your health concern. Together we will look for the best way to support you in getting back to optimal health and feeling fabulous. Before I became a Nutritional Therapist, I obtained a Master in Law and worked in public policy in The Netherlands and EU diplomacy in Brussels. I ventured into nutrition while living with my husband and two children in Japan. Just by changing the foods that I put in my mouth, I felt a dramatic increase in energy levels and felt better in dealing with stressors of daily life. I became very interested in the health properties of whole foods and ways of incorporating these foods in my diet by preparing delicious meals. Upon our move to London, I decided to take the plunge and train as a Nutritional Therapist at The College of Naturopathic Medicine. Since summer 2017 I have moved with my family back to The Netherlands and will continue my practise from there. |